With a history that dates back more than 100 years, Community Services League has a long history of helping our neighbors in Eastern Jackson County and throughout the Kansas City area. Our doors are open and our services are inclusive - so all who need help can count on us to be there. Some programs, like government assistance, have income requirements that must be met. Our team works with you to find the best available solution from a wide range of programs and services.
Who we help.
Everyday we work with neighbors to give them help today and hope for tomorrow. The reasons are many, including these and others:
Struggling due to situations in life that make it difficult to get by financially.
Living in unstable housing conditions, facing eviction or homelessness.
Willing to work, but need help with training or finding stable employment.
Wanting to manage money better, get out of debt and start to save.
Living with disability and hoping to engage more fully in life.
Looking for help to achieve the dream of owning your own home.
Guidance and resources to make life better for your family.
Hoping to connect with a coach or ally to make positive change in your life.
If you’re not sure if we can help, the best thing to do is ask. See the contact us section below for details.
Do I qualify for help?
CSL has ten locations in Eastern Jackson County, Missouri. Including the cities of Independence, Blue Springs, Buckner, Grain Valley and Oak Grove. We provide basic services to residents in these communities. Click here for a map of locations. We also provide job skills training, financial coaching, vocational rehabilitation employment services, small dollar loans and other programs to residents in neighboring communities as well.
Basic assistance services are available to residents in our service area - cities where we have locations. This includes help with food, clothing, medicine, plus rent or utility assistance. Most of these programs are tied to grants or other funding sources that have specific residency and income requirements.
If you live outside our service area and request basic assistance, our Site Managers will help you and then work with you to help you find a location closer to your place of residence. Site Managers may also be able to refer you to other sources for assistance if CSL is not able to help you due to program limits - even if you live in a city that we serve.
Information to help you learn more and request assistance with employment, financial, and other hope for tomorrow programs can be found in the Get Help section of this site.
Income eligibility guidelines.
If you are seeking assistance for programs with income requirements, here are the guidelines (based on 150% of the Federal Poverty Level).
$1,610/month for one (1) person in the household ($19,320/year)
$2,178/month for two (2) people in the household ($26,130/year)
$2,745/month for three (3) people in the household ($32,940/year)
$3,313/month for four (4) people in the household ($39,750/year)
$3,880/month for five (5) people in the household ($46,560/year)
$4,448/month for six (6) people in the household ($53,370/year)
$5,015/month for seven (7) people in the household ($60,180/year)
$5,108/month for eight (8) people in the household ($66,990/year)
For households with more than eight (8) members, add $567/month for each additional person
What if I don't qualify?
If you don’t meet the income requirements for basic assistance programs, or you live in a city that doesn’t have a CSL location, you can find help at United Way by dialing 2-1-1. This free service provides access to thousands of resources in a 23 county area served by the United Way of Kansas City. Call 2-1-1 and you'll reach a trained, caring professional seven days a week, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Or visit 2-1-1 online.
What documentation will I need?
Many of our programs require documentation to verify eligibility. Before you visit any CSL office, please have the following items:
Picture identification for all adults living in the household.
Social Security cards for everyone in the household, including children.
A utility bill, or other official piece of mail showing your address and dated within the past 30 days.
Depending on the type of assistance you are requesting, copies of these documents may be needed.
Pay stubs for the previous 30 days
Current Social Security or SSI award letters
TANF award letter
SNAP award letter
Child support information
Pension information
Other sources of income